
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Devotions From Dad" (Message #6 - Teach Us To Pray)

If you have not previously read the reason for these postings, please go here so you can start at the beginning.

(Delivered on September 23, 1953 at Prayer Meeting)

Teach Us To Pray

Luke 11:1 - And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.


1. Seeing Jesus pray gave them an appreciation and appetite for prayer. When we see that He now has a continual ministry of intercession on our behalf, it will give us a like desire.

2. They learned that there was a close connection between his public life of Power and His secret life of Prayer.

3. We all need to enroll in the school of prayer and learn the Divine Art of Prayer. Here alone can we earn our M.P. degree – master of Prayer.

Each word of the disciples request has a blessed meaning:

I.  LORD. Here is our Divine Instructor
    1.  Every pupil needs a teacher
         1)  One who knows His subject
         2)  One who has a gift of teaching
         3)  One who has patience
         4)  One who will descend to the pupil’s need.

Jesus never taught his disciples to preach, only to pray. Knowing how to speak to God is more important than knowing how to speak to men. There must be power with God before there can be power with men.

II. TEACH. Here is confession of Ignorance
     1.  At first nothing seems so simple
     2.  Later nothing seems so difficult
     3.  Our minds are so darkened by sin
     4.  Much is needed to make prayer acceptable
          1)  Must be to the Glory of God
          2)  Must be according to his will
          3)  Must be in the full assurance of faith
          4)  Must be in the name of the Lord Jesus
          5)  Must be with perserverance.

     1.  We read of the great power in prayer of men in the old testament
     2.  We read of the power of prayer manifested by disciples
     3.  We read of the power of prayer of saints of centuries
     4.  These promises are for us as well
          1)  Thou has committed thy work in our hand
          2)  Thou cants’glorify thy name through us.

IV. TO PRAY. Here is the Subject we would study.
     1.  The power of heaven is at our disposal
     2.  Our own spiritual life depends upon it (as air)
     3.  The world of sinful men are dependent upon it
     4.  There is a great danger of
          1)  Praying from force of habit
          2)  Praying according to some form (stereotype)

1. Has this created a hunger in your heart for prayer?
2. Does it not put a finger on one of the great weaknesses of our life?
3. Will you, this very night, ask the Lord to enroll you in “His School of Prayer”?
4. Come in complete confidence that He will instruct you fully if you will but wait upon Him.
5. Above all remember that, “Practice Makes Perfect.”

If you find the sermon outline of interest to you, or would like to share it with others, that is fine. All we ask is that you honor Dad by giving credit where credit is due.  Please make sure to include his name, Rev. Kenneth G Farnsworth somewhere within the notes.  Better yet, pass on my link to these postings! 

1 comment:

  1. Hello sweet friend...

    Thank you again...for sharing your Dad's sermon notes! As the scripture in Luke says and as a disciple of Christ...I too, humbly ask that He would teach me to pray! For it is prayer that changes things!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design


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