
Friday, January 14, 2011

“Blinging Up” My New Chandelier

A couple of weeks before Christmas I was walking through Goodwill and was about ready to walk out.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw something big and shiny sitting on a table.  I glanced over and low-and-behold I saw a beautiful light fixture.  Price?  $19.95!!!!  I can’t believe that I almost walked away because I was afraid my hubby would kill me.  I stood there and debated, then I picked it up.  Oh good heaven’s… that thing was HEAVY.  I was a GOOD fixture and in perfect condition – not even any dust on it!!!  The thing I didn’t really like were the metal shades – which I knew could be removed.  I was beginning to see the potential.  Well, at that point I said, “I don’t care if my hubby rolls his eyes when he sees this or not, I’m gonna get it!”  I’m telling you, that thing was so heavy that I could hardly carry it to the register and then out to my car.  I DID get a slight eye-roll from my hubby, but he also knew we wanted a new light for our dining room, PLUS even he knew it was a GOOD fixture.  This is what it looked like when I brought it in the house… see how it shines?
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I just “casually” mentioned to my hubby that maaaaybe we could install it sometime in the near future… hopefully before Christmas???  You know what?  He said, “Well let’s do it!”  Well knock me over with a feather!!  I got the tools together before he could change his mind and quick as a wink we had that baby installed (with a “dimmer” to boot!!!!!).  GEDC2235
Why is it that I don’t see things are crooked/upside down/etc. until I post pictures??  I also forgot to take a “before” picture of the light.  Trust me, it was a very basic CHEAP builder’s quality fixture.GEDC2214 GEDC2235
Now this was quite an improvement, and I was already loving it, but of course – never to be satisfied – I felt it could be improved upon.  I seen so many different people post on how they improved a chandelier.  One in particular that inspired me to try was Diane (  I thought... could I???… should I???…  “bling” it up????  But of course I should!!  Besides, with it being Christmas time I figured I might be able to find some crystal items to use.  I was right.  Not only did I find crystal items, but they were half price!!!  WAHOO!!!!  The beaded garland was a little larger than I wanted, but it would do.  I thought that maybe these crystals might look “cheap”, but they really don’t.  Everyone that has seen it thinks it is beautiful, so I guess price doesn’t really matter.GEDC2288 GEDC2284GEDC2287
I didn’t want to do anything that would be “permanent” or damage the light in any way, plus I didn't want the beads to slide, so I wanted to use some hooks to hang the crystals.  The light itself had perfect areas to hang hooks.  I found some brass ornament hangers at Hobby Lobby which I knew would work perfect (1/2 price!!!).  I cut them and made new hooks out of them.hooks
They work so well that they blend right in with the light.GEDC2315
I figured out how much of a drop I wanted between hooks and started hanging them and then hot-glued the two ends together.  I did this several times in different areas.  I also made some drop crystals to hang down.  crystals GEDC2313 GEDC2310 GEDC2312
The top portion had to have a little different hook, so I worked with them a little more and made a perfect little hook for that as well.
The only place I had to use glue (hot glue) was on the crystals that dropped from the top portion down to the “candle light-bulb” area (or whatever you call it).
One final thing and I would be done… the center drop crystal.  I had a beautiful REAL crystal that my boss had given to me a couple of years ago.  I made that into another drop that would hang below everything else.  Oh my gosh… this thing was looking AWESOME!!!!CIMG3821 CIMG3822
I had a bit of a hard time getting good pictures, because the crystal garland wants to reflect so much, but I think you’ll get the general idea.  Between the cost of the light, and all the crystals, I have created a beautiful Chandelier for about $35!!!!
One more time… here’s the “before”GEDC2235
And here’s the “after”.
I’m really happy with it!!!  The nice thing is that if I want to change it, get tired of it, or even want to clean it, all I have to do is unhook everything. 

So what do you think?  Do you like the “Before” or the “After” better?????  I really WOULD LOVE to hear what you think!!!

I think I'm going to find a few parties to link up to...

Saturday Is Crafty Day! (Along for the Ride)  /  Saturday Nite Special (Funky Junk)  /  Flaunt It Friday (Chic on Shoestring Decorating)  /  FAB Friday (Frugal & Fabulous Design)  /  Feature Yourself Friday (Fingerprints on the Frig)  /  Frugalicious Friday (Finding Fabulous)  /  Motivate Me Monday (Keeping it Simple)  /  Making the World Cuter Monday  /  The DIY Show Off  /  Metamorphosis Monday (Between Naps on the Porch)  /  Making Monday Marvelous (Creating Really Awesome Free Things)  /  Made By You Monday (Skip to my Lou)   /  Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays (Costal Charm)  /  Mad Skills 


  1. Hi Just seen ya on Finding Fabulous link party! Your picture was the first thing I seen when I was posting. I was OH BOY let me check out this beauty! She is so shiny, sparkly and pretty. Great job. And the crystals awesome. I used the same ones on my bi-fold door project. Too cool! You made a follower outta me chica!
    Would love for ya to swing by my blog and join me as well. Check out how I used the crystal :)

  2. Hi Debbie-

    Thanks for writing to me and telling me about your Chandelier. What a fantastic job. You must be sooo happy. I like the way you used the ornament hangers to hang the crystals - very clever and makes it super easy to change out. Thanks for the link.
    My best- Diane

  3. Hello Debbie,
    She looks so pretty all dressed up!!!! I see that we have the same buffet...mine came from my MIL.


  4. Fantastic job! Great bling! I would have painted it white and added shades. But it's what ever makes you smile! 8>)

  5. Very well done, creative thinking on the christmas supplies instead of the expense of actual chandelier crystals. Found your link at Funky Junk, I posted about mini chandelier shades (vintage roses approx. #45) would love you to check it out. Keep up the good work.

  6. Love it! what an inspiration. Perhaps I can try something lke this with my light fixture. I wanted to replace it with a nice drippy chandelier. But gosh they are expensive. I love what you have done and I think I will try it!

  7. What a great find. I can tell it's a quality chandelier. Personally, I would have painted it first but when I saw your wall color, I decided that you were right in leaving it gold. Your genius came in buying the Christmas beads and modifying them. The hooks were genius as well.

  8. Debbie,
    I;m so happy to see ya at my party:)


  9. Hi Girlfriend...

    Ohhh my goodness...what a gorgeous chandelier! My friend, I can't believe that you got this beauty for a mere $19...that's awesome! Ohhh yes...I would have jumped on that lil' beauty sooo fast it would have left your head spinnin'! Hehe! I'm not sure where I would have put it but for $19...I would have found a place! wink! Well my dear, adding all the beautiful crystals is the icing on the cake! I love how you swagged them, etc.! They really do sparkle...simply breathtaking! I 'm soooo happy for you, sweet friend! Thanks for sharing the "how to's" as well...that may come in handy one of these days...just in case I find a beauty like this!

    How are you doing, my friend? I hope that my note is finding you and your family all doing well! Not to much going on here...I'm still trying to redecorate after taking my Christmas down...I'm soo slow but this cold weather does that to me! I'll talk with you later!

    Love ya,

  10. Amazing, looks so gorgeous, bravo:-)
    Hugs, Biljana

  11. What a difference. It came out beautifully.

  12. Hi Debbie...

    I just read your sweet note, my friend and came right over! It was sooo good to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for all the sweet compliments on my silver tablescape! You always give me the "big head"! Hehe! But I love it!

    Well my dear, I still can't believe that you found that gorgeous chandelier for under twenty dollars! That may very well be the bargain of the decade! Ohhh...and you're such a creative and talented lady...loving all those pretty cyrstals that you added to it! got a new blog facelift! I love it! It's so fresh and springy! Love your header...that's adorable and sooo YOU! I also noticed that you changed your profile photo! That's a gorgeous photo of you! You are such a beautiful lady! Sooo...what have you been up to lately, Darlin'? I suspect that you are keeping very busy! Not to much going on here at my place...I've just been "piddlin'" around! hehe! Talk to you later...

    Love ya, sweet friend!

  13. Love the new page design!!!!! Love ya!

  14. Hi sweet friend...

    Was just thinking about you so decided to stop by and say hello! I hope that all is going well for you, dear has been awhile since I have heard from you! If you get a chance...drop me a line! Just wanting to know if all is okay!

    Love ya, sweet friend!

  15. Hi there... I'm a little late, but I just saw this over on The DIY Show Off... and I am SO inspired. Your makeover of the chandelier is amazing, and I'm going to give it a try myself, because I've been dying to have my own chandelier :)


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