
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I'm Thankful For YOU!!!

I find it almost impossible to believe that this year has passed so quickly. As I sit writing this there is Christmas music playing in the background, a yummy Pumpkin Roll sits sliced on my desk for others to enjoy, our “Adopt A Family” tree is being assembled in our lunch room, and people are discussing their plans for Thanksgiving. Is it REALLY possible that 2010 will soon be over?

As I reflect on the past year I realize that it has not been without its’ share of difficulties, nor its’ share of blessings. We have concluded our year of “firsts” without Dad. Each “first” passed with mixed emotions. It’s still difficult to believe that he is gone, and is sorely missed, but yet we rejoice that he is celebrating with his Lord and is out of the pain and “fog” he lived in for his last few years.

It has been a difficult year for me physically. An illness that came upon me at the beginning of the year still raises its ugly head whenever I do too much and makes me step back and slow down – a VERY hard thing for me to do. I guess God is watching over me this Thanksgiving to make sure I don’t overdo things. This is the first time… EVER… that we will NOT be spending the day with all of our family. With marriages and people moving away, this year is one where everyone is going in different directions. Instead, we will spend a quiet day with my mother-in-law who is in the midst of “that long goodbye”.

However, along with the difficulties and trials, God has shown His many blessings as well. Of course Mom celebrated her 90th birthday, which is a blessing indeed. She is still very active and healthy – something we are so thankful for. We are also awaiting a new little addition to our family. Although I secretly wish for a little girl, I’ll be just as happy with a boy, and pray this little one is healthy and happy.

One of the biggest blessings this year has been quiet unexpected. That blessing is YOU… my dear blogging friends. When I started this blog back in March, I NEVER in my wildest dreams believed that it would be looked at by anyone other than myself and perhaps a few family members that I could shame into checking it out. NEVER did I believe it would bring me treasured friendships from people I have never even met. NEVER did I believe that “strangers” would be a source of encouragement when I have been down or share a laugh with me through e-mail messages or comments they have left. NEVER did I believe that there would be so many wonderful people out there who have been ready, willing, and able to help me with a DIY project when I needed advice. NEVER did I believe that something I posted would be of significance to anyone else, and that in some way has impacted their life. NEVER did I believe that I would be able to help a perfect stranger who I now consider as my “Blog Daughter”.  How I wish I could meet you, chit chat, work on a DIY project with you, or better yet, tour some of your beautiful homes!!

Although I don’t have that many people who are “Followers”, I know there are a lot of people who visit my site and either e-mail or leave me comments. Obviously I would like for all of you to become “Followers”, but regardless I’m happy you stop by for a visit every now and then. To each of you I want to say a BIG “Thank You”! Thank you for visiting me and letting me know that this blog has more meaning than just sharing DIY projects. It has become an avenue to meeting people all over the world who share common interests. It has become a means to reach out to others by visiting their blogs and encouraging them. By reading postings from all of you, I have learned that it’s ok to be less than perfect. I’ve learned that other people have many of the same fears, concerns, and passions that I have – I’m not alone. I’ve learned that it’s ok to be transparent, and in doing so you can be an encouragement to others. I always respond to every comment that is left for me because I have learned from others just how important it is to acknowledge the time people take to encourage you.

So once again I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing this whole new world with me. I look forward to having some give-away postings in the near future, sharing more projects, and most of all learning more from all of you. I believe that 2011 will be a great year. 

As we celebrate Thanksgiving this year, I hope you will look around you and see the many blessings the have been bestowed on you this year – some that are quite evident, and others that were subtle, but blessings none-the-less!  May you and your family have a wonderful holiday!

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Ephesians 5:20



  1. What a beautiful post. Thank you for stopping by Yoga Gal, and I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    To answer your question- the greenery on the mantle are three swags that I used to hang outside, but we don't have lights on either side of our front door like we did at our previous home. They are eight years old but have held up really well, I bought them at a little shop in TN right after we married. :D

    And this is the first year that the kids actually helped put up their own trees! I like it- ha!

  2. Hi Girlfriend...

    Ahhh...what a sweet and endearing post, my friend! You know, I feel the exact same way! I could have never imagined when I started my blog a couple of years ago that I would have met sooo many dear and precious being sweet lady!!! This has been an incredible that I am looking forward to continuing! I'm very thankful that you decided to start a blog and that we met! Of course, I fully believe that it has been a "God Thing"...directed by His Holy Spirit and leading!!! I just giggled when I read your sweet note today! So you collect Santas as well? That is sooo awesome...we really do have sooo much in common...we are definitely sisters in spirit, Debbie!!! I know that this past year has brought many trials your way...with your Father's passing...your health, etc. but as you has also brought many blessings as well! God is sooo good to us!!! To Him I give thanks and all praise...from which all blessings come!

    Well dear friend, I'm so glad that you stopped by for a visit today! Sending lots of love and prayers your way this week!

    Love ya,

  3. What a beautiful post... I (of course) teared up! I could never thank you enough for the support, prayers, encouragement and love!



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