
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oh oh… That was NOT good!!!!

After a long, hard day at work, I came home and decided to take on the task of painting some furniture that has been calling my name.  The weather was perfect – something we will not see for much longer.  The days are getting shorter, and soon it will be to cold to paint, so I figured I better take advantage of a good day when I had it.  Sooooo, hubs helped me cart out several pieces of furniture to my beloved “painting booth”.  You remember the “painting booth”… right!!???


It’s been a while since I’ve been out there... a lot of leaves have fallen and there have been a few storms, but it was pretty much still intact.  I realized that it was a stroke of genius to have my netting roof.  It has not only been catching the leaves all this time, but it kept the leaves from falling on my projects as I was painting today.  Yep!  I’m pretty darn smart!

So here are some of the things I painted today…
View Painting projectsTwo end tables, and one coffee table.  All were being painted black.  Oh baby… they were looking great!!!  Yes, that’s the Hubs helping me.  He’s being pretty helpful with all these projects.  He helps with set up, carries out the stuff I’m painting, and even likes to grab the paint gun from me occasionally.  Ok, so the “carrying” part is where the “oh, oh” comes in.  Like I said, the pieces were looking GREAT!  Nice smooth paint job with great coverage… couldn’t wait for the day they would be finished and put in my family room.

Welllllll, it was getting late, dusk was setting in, and before long the dew would begin to cover everything outside, so Hubs and I decided that we best get our butts in motion and move our freshly painted (yes, they were dry to the touch) items back into the house.  Perhaps the one negative thing about having the paint booth back in the woods is that it’s not always easy to move the piece back to the house.  That was the case today.  Oh my, that coffee table was a lot heavier than I thought it was!!!!  However, we set about the task of carrying it into the house… getting a firm grip on the table we carefully proceeded across the back yard, up the hill, and around the side of the house.  Whew… this thing was getting heavier by the minute second.  Let’s stop and rest just a moment.  Ohhhhh, my aching back!!  Ok, enough of the resting, let’s get this baby into the house.  We picked it up… although I didn’t seem to have quite as good of a grip on it this time.  As we proceeded around to the front of the house (in order to go in the front door) it started to wobble just a little.  Then…

“ooooooooh nooooooooo…
that was NOT good!!!!”

Yep, you guessed it… we dropped it!!!!  No, not on the legs, and no, not in the grass.  The whole thing flipped over – on to it’s top, right on top of our stone edging. 


Well, it wasn’t going to help to cry, so we just picked it up (wait, let me rephrase that… HUBS picked it up) and carried it into the house.  I mean at this point, he wasn’t really going to mess up the paint job was he!!!???  The nice, smooth paint job now looks like this…

So what’s the solution?  Well, something I was trying to decide anyway… make a cushion to go on top of the table and make it into an ottoman instead.  So I guess my project is just a little farther from being done than I thought.  Have to go find some foam and fabric, gather all my supplies, and turn this baby into a lovely ottoman.  Sometimes projects don’t turn out quite the way we originally plan, but every good DIY blogger can turn those lemons into lemonade.  Can’t wait to show you the final project – when I get the time to do it that is!!!


  1. Hi Girlfriend...

    Ohhhh noooo!!! I bet you were just sick, Debbie! I'm so sorry! Well..what do you do? No use crying over spilled milk or coffee table in this case! I have to say that it sure is pretty in its new black dress! I followed the link over and took a peek at all of your photos. I can't wait to see these pretty pieces in your beautiful home!

    Debbie, I just love your new blog design! It's autumn delicious...sooo rich and elegant! Did you do the graphics for this? I love it!!! Well my friend, I am so sorry about your pretty table. I know that you'll remedy that little problem though. I hope that my note finds you well, dear friend!

    Warmest autumn wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  2. Hi Debbie,

    This is ashley from TCBOTB. I saw your post on our blog, it looks like you resolved the issue all by yourself. Good job!

    Ashley - TCBOTB

  3. Oh I am so sorry!
    Making an Ottoman is a very good idea! You are so creative! Talking about you on my blog ;)

  4. OH NO! Well, at least you got a good blog post out of this ;)

    Thanks for linking up to Not "Baaad" Sundays with LambAround last week. You might want to stop by again...I left you a little surprise! :)


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