
Thursday, July 8, 2010


Hello, my name is Debbie, and I am here today to admit that I have a problem.  Yes, today I have realized that I am addicted…

I realized that I MUST ADMIT I’m addicted!!!

I realize I NEED HELP with my addiction!!!

I realized that I CANNOT DO THIS ALONE!!!!


So today I come before you to admitting that I am addicted…

Yes, I am a…


Oh my goodness… it is never ending!!!! You go to one site, only to be enticed to go to another, another, and yet ANOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They beckon you with their pictures, their tutorials, DIY projects, thrifty finds, witty little postings, and blog titles that scream out “click on me, click on me”! What starts out as one simple little check of a blog quickly turns into opening every single archive that person has ever posted, plus you have to check out the “bloggers” that “blogger” is following. I end up with so many new tabs of bloggers that I literally run the risk of crashing my computer!!!

I can’t keep up with all these sites. I have created an endless list of those blogs I love to follow! I want to be witty like them, I want to have homes like them, I want to be able to decorate like them, I want to be able to upholster and slip cover like them!!!!!!!! I want to know these people, talk to these people, and envy those that are able to do so. I see pictures of a bunch of blogging ladies meeting for lunch or going “thrift shopping” together and stare longingly at everything they find and wish I was one of them!

I currently have a document I have created with pictures of everything I ever hope to do in my home. Pictures (my dear blogger friends) that have inspired me to redecorate my home in ways I never thought possible. Pictures and tutorials of DIY projects that I’m just itching to do. Do you have any idea how many pages my document is now up to??? 160… ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY two-column, single spaced pages!!!!!! Now how in the heck will I EVER be able to make all these things OR find room to put them??

I feel unworthy to blog because my postings just don’t measure up!!!! How can it be that all you “bloggers” out there have such beautiful “Better Homes and Gardens” houses? Where the heck did you learn to decorate? How do you have time? Better yet, how do you keep your homes so spotless… many of you with small children?

I must admit I am somewhat confused by all the

- Blog parties?
- Linky parties (or Linking up)?
- Showcase parties?
- Awards that are given?
- Being featured on…?
- Bloggerette Sororitys???
- Actually meeting in person with other bloggers???


Seriously, if I spend all my time as a “Blogaholic” how am I ever going to have time to do my own projects OR keep up with my own blog? Is it possible to just do a “little blogging”, (recreational blogging?) or must I quit cold turkey?

Is there a 10-step “Blogaholics Anonymous” program I can join?

Yes, people – I admit to you that I am a “Blogaholic” and I need help!!!



  1. GOOGLE READER, my friend. Google Reader. You type in the blogs you enjoy reading, and click "add a subscription". Google Reader then goes to those sites once an hour for you to check for updates, and brings the updates back to your Reader site. You can "favorite" an entry, or "add a star", and it will save it into a list for you! So, if you subscribe to, say, "I Do Designs", and you really like the post about the upholstery update, you can click "add a star", and that entry will go into another column so you can read it again later and not have to scroll through that blog, or save it onto your hard drive!

    GR revolutionized my life, Debbie. It can do the same for you!

  2. Oh Debbie,
    You are a crack-up!!! I'm lovin' your light take on life--we all need that, girl! And you are pure delight...Hope you're havin' a great evening...Hugs, Cindy

  3. Loved your comments on my blog, you are funny! I'll be back ;)!! Have a great week!

  4. Hi there!
    I saw a comment on Cindy's blog from you and had to come over to see what you were referring to - and what a great post! Yes, I remember wondering how in the world you do this whole blog thing; and to be honest, here I am 10 months later and am still learning things (like that Google Reader - who knew?). A lot of it is just learning as you go. You take the best pictures (push the dirty dishes out of the way) and shoot from the hip. . . . And it IS addicting - isn't it? I haven't figured how to get around that yet,
    Kristin xo

  5. I am so glad you liked my art it is great to find your wonderful talent also! I enjoyed reading your post and look forward to more!

  6. that is so cute! I think every single last one of us may qualify for that type of addicts anonymous. It is so fun....but you should see how much laundry we have piling up! cute post...Julie


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