
Monday, July 26, 2010

I am NOT a "Hoarder"!!!

My daughter just doesn't get it!!  The other day she came into my kitchen, put her arm around me, and said, "Mom, I think we need to have an intervention... you're becoming a 'Hoarder'!"  All because she saw this...

She doesn't understand the concept that I am gathering things for my remodeling.  I haven't really been able to "work" on things a lot because I have been sick, PLUS I wasn't sure which direction I was going with things.  Was I going with black? Cream (excuse me... "Heirloom White")??  Teals???  What fabric was I going to use?  I have about a bazillion small little samples... decisions, decisions, decisions!!!!

Well, the paint colors have been selected, the painter is coming in this week to start painting, the fabric has been chosen and purchased, so now I just need to do the work!!!!  Seriously, look at the pictures... don't you see a LOT of potential there?  Little bits of "decorating gold" that just need to be refined and polished (er... painted) up???  There are at least 4 chairs, one hutch, one cabinet, 4 tables, and countless number of little knick-knacks that have to be redone.  (YIKES... maybe I AM a hoarder!!!!)  Naaaaaahhhh, I'm telling you, my home will soon be the envy of my daughter.  Yep!  I'll make her eat those words!!!  A "Hoarder" indeed... I think not!!!!!!

I will post updates on all these little gems once I get them done.  Ya... it's gonna be a while - don't hold your breath!!!


  1. Nope, you're still a hoarder!! ;)

  2. Hi Debbie...

    I just received a personal email from you with your blog link and had to come right over! First of all, thank you sooo much for all of your warm and generous compliments about my blog and designing! Girlfriend, you just made my day!!!

    Okay...I only have one thing to say...I would love to go shopping in your garage! Hehe! I see sooo many fabulous things that I could add to my own hoarding...urrr...I mean collecting!!! wink! Hehe! Seriously though, I don't know how many times that I've had a room look just like yours when I'm in the process of redoing! Hope that helps!!! I see that you mentioned a hutch, dining table and chairs...are you about to redo your dining room? Ohhh...what fun!!! And Girl, I think you have some fabulous things just waiting to be showcased!!!

    I just wanted to let you know that I am also adding your delightful blog to my list of blog follows! I really am looking forward to your upcoming posts (and maybe getting in on the "remodel") I also look forward to going back through some of your past posts as well! Best wishes with your "kind of new" blog! Girl, you've been at it since March...that makes you an expert now! Hehe! Thank you again for the personal sure meant alot to me!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  3. You asked if I was redoing my dining room. Nope, I actually have a coffee table, and two end tables that I'm going to put in my living room redo. The chairs are side chairs that will be going in both my living room and family room. SO much work to do... SOOOOOOO little time!!!!!!

  4. Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I'm returning the follow!! :) and seriously....who's garage doesn't look like that! at least you can get in yours!!


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