
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dollar Tree Eggs

Two things I love:
1.  Dollar Tree
2.  Spray Paint

Isn't it awesome to find something that might be considered "junk" (i.e., something you would not be caught dead with in your home), and transform it into something you look at and say, "Isn't that cute?"...???  Such is the case with these little egg boxes I found. 

Beautiful isn't it!??!!  Nothing that a little Heirloom White spray paint can't fix!  After a few coats of paint this little baby was looking MUCH better!

It looked really cute, but I thought it needed just one more thing... a little bit of "bling".  It's amazing how that one little gem added that final touch!

It turned out so nice that I made a set of three to put on a shelf. I think they look perfect.  Not bad for $3.00!

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