
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm in LOVE... with my new light that is!!!

Changes are certainly taking place around our house.  In the next few days I will be posting some "sneak peak" pictures of a few of those changes.  (We still have a LONG ways to go before everything is actually done!!)  Today I just HAVE to share my new light with you.  Nothing spectacular, I didn't do a thing for it - not a DIY project.  Wellllll, wait a minute... I DID lace the electrical cord through the chain, and I DID put on the globes, AND I DID screw in the light bulbs - does that count??? 

Anyway, I'm in L-O-V-E with my new light.  Sure, I would have preferred the $750 cut glass chandelier, but seeing as that was just a "tad" out of our price range, we had to settle for something a little less expensive.  Unfortunately I only have a picture of the previous light after we were doing some patching and painting, but this was the basic light that came with the house when we built it 22 years ago (please forgive the dust - we were remodeling!).  Obviously in need of a major update!!

Ready for the big reveal???  Here it is!!!

We actually changed out the glass globes with some that match other fixtures in the house.

I know, it's probably not as exciting to you as it is for me, but it's just nice to have a change after all this time.  I'm not sure if you can see from the picture or not, but the walls have gone from tan to a beautiful soft yellow color. 

See you back here real soon with a few more changes taking place!

Monday, August 30, 2010

"Devotions From Dad" (Message #10 - Prayer Power)

If you have not previously read the reason for these postings, please go here so you can start at the beginning.

Just a quick note.  There have been times that I have questioned whether or not this is the right place for me to post these messages.  Satan has tried to discourage me and make me think that people were not reading them.  However; just when I start to "second-guess" myself, someone comes across my blog and actually thanks me for posting this series.  That is just what I need to know that this is the right thing to do.  I guess in this day and age it is more important than ever to be a nation of prayer!  Sooooo, I will continue posting, and pray that someone - somewhere along the way - will be blessed by the messages my Dad preached so long ago.  As I have said, if you are not interested in these postings, just skip over them and come back for one of my craft postings. (BTW - Dad wrote many poems to end his messages with - I think the one is especially meaningful!!)

(Delivered on Aug 15, 1943 at Centerline Baptist Church)

Acts 12:1-17

As we look into the book of Acts, where is recorded the history of the early Christian church, we are amazed that it could prosper under such trying and hard conditions. However, we find that the key to their growth was prayer, unity, and power. You will always find that a praying people are a unified people. When you spend your time on your knees before God you don’t have time to think about other’s faults. It also holds true that a unified church is a powerful church. “Ye shall receive power after that the Hold Ghost is come upon you.” God’s work is a Divine work and no power in heaven or on earth can hold it back. Bitter persecution was heaped upon this early church and such a persecution was now in process as we come to this particular portion of scripture. James, the brother of John, had just been beheaded. When Herod saw how it pleased the people he also cast Peter into prison. Herod is a type of the devil who is constantly trying to win the favor of his own by heaping persecution upon the church. Today, although we still have freedom of religion, we find that true Christianity is being restrained. It is getting harder and harder to do Christian work. The devil is as-it-were casting true gospel ministers into prison and binding them with the chains of formality, modernism, denominationalism, and politics. The only way we can be delivered from such powers of darkness is by the means of prayer. We are going to study this incident before us – not so much for the view of Peter’s deliverance from prison – but with the thought before us of prayer power.


The most impressive scene in this whole chapter is the view of the whole church on their knees in prayer for Pete’s deliverance. It was not just one or two of the faithful members who gathered to pray, but THE WHOLE CHURCH. It is no wonder that they had such power in their prayer. We’re calling a day of prayer the last Sunday of this month – I wonder if the whole church will be out?

Furthermore, prayer was made without ceasing. Peter was in a serious situation; there was no time to waste. Oh, these housewives had their dishes to do, houses to clean, and babies to take care of, but here was an emergency and it called for action. The word here means “agonizing”. These folks were in earnest; they cried out from their very souls. We can think of several instances of such agonizing prayer in the scriptures. Daniel prayed. Dan. 9:1-6 & 17-19; Jonah 2:1-2 Peter cried, “Lord save me.” The repentant thief cried, “Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.” Jesus Christ was in agony in Gathesamy.


There’s rather a comical setting here. Here was a great number of people gathered together praying for Peter’s deliverance, and when he finally comes to the door they refuse to believe it is him, and even go so far as to say it must be his angel or ghost. I’m afraid we have a good many folds like this today. They pray for something and when God answers they are more astonished at it than anyone else. There is absolutely no basis for astonishment in prayer. God has made definite promises in scripture. If we fulfill the conditions of prayer the conditions of prayer that he has set forth the answer should be as spontaneous as the light lighting when you turn on the switch. Matt. 17:14-21; 18:19; Mark 9:20-23; 11:22-24; John 15:7; I John 5:14-15.


Here’s one parish that really got busy. Go show these things unto James and the brethren. There’s nothing like a real demonstration of prayer power to set the people of the Lord on fire. When you have just witnessed such a miraculous answer to prayer as this you just can’t keep quite about it. I don’t believe Peter had to plead with these people to go out and witness for the Lord. Beloved, get on fire for the Lord but first wait upon Him. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.


It matters not how great the test,
The Lord’s above, in Him I rest;
He promised that He would answer prayer,
I can but trust and leave it there.

It matters not how dark the way,
The Lord’s above, He is my stay;
He promised all my pathway clear,
With trust in Him I have no fear.

It matters not low long may be,
Before the Lord may answer me,
For as in simple faith I pray,
I know the answers on the way.

By Kenneth G. Farnsworth
August 12, 1943

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Thrifty Finds From Out Of Town

This past weekend we went to see our son and daughter-in-law in Hannibal, MO.  And what does every great mother do when she goes for a visit?  Wellll, go to garage sales and thrift stores of course!!!!!!  I was able to actually bring home some really great things, and hardly spend anything at all.  Let's check'em out...

Small shelf - $1

Another shelf - $1

Two white glass (don't think they are milk glass) vases - $1 for pair

Salt and Pepper set - $1

Pretty butterfly print - $1

Two decorative (whatever their called??) - $2 for pair

Paper towel rack - $2

Beautiful tea cup - $2

Found these at Goodwill.  One was $1, the other was $3 (they would not change the price).  I passed them up until I went to an antique store and saw the exact same dish/bowl for $14.  Went back and bought both of them for $4 total.

Same with this covered dish.  Found this milk glass at Goodwill for $3 and passed it up.  Saw exact same one at the antique shop for $15.  Went back and bought the one at Goodwill.

Matching light teal colored glass vases.  $2 for set.

This is a heavy metal clock.  Purchased at a garage sale for $1.

Garage sale - $1

Garage sale - $.50

Heavy metal hanging picture frame.  Garage sale - $1

Garage Sale - $.50

This was my most expensive purchase of the day - $8 at Goodwill.  This metal piece is about 4 feet long.  I THINK it's for curtains (with the two holders shown below).  I think I'm going to paint it and maybe put it above my front door. 

Well, that was it for my quality time with my son!!!  LOL... actually we DID all have fun "thrifting".  All this for well under $35.  I think that is a pretty good haul for a weekend!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

HELP!! To Paint, or NOT to Paint… THIS IS THE QUESTION!!!

I need some expert advice. I found this desk/table on Craig's List and called right away about it. It was still available, and was listed for $50 (I got it for $45). It is really beautiful and in wonderful condition. I think it might even be an antique. The shape is really different…

I thought that the detailing was especially gorgeous.

Now the big question of day…
I really need some opinions on…

I had every intention of going shabby chic and paint it white and then antiquing it. But now I’m not sure if I SHOULD paint it or not. Am I going to ruin a beautiful piece of furniture by painting it? Will it still fit in with my decor if I DON’T paint it????

Same place that I purchased the table, I also picked up this little hutch. I had previously bought another hutch, but it was a little bit larger than what I wanted for the area. This hutch is only 27” wide, so it fits perfectly in the space. I’m going to use the other hutch in my living room instead. Obviously there is NO QUESTION about whether or not to paint this piece. As soon as the heat lets up I’m going to become a painting fool. No way am I going out in 95 degree weather to spray paint!!!!! (Sorry about this picture – it was the one posted on Craig's List.)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Another Thrifty Find... Plus a featured item from my niece!

Ok, ok, I know I already have several chairs that I have to make over, but none of them match. Last night I found a matching set at our Salvation Army store. $19.95 each, so I figured I couldn’t go wrong. They are really in excellent condition, very sturdy, nothing ripped, etc., so once I get them painted and reupholstered I think they will be really nice. Although they ARE a LOVELY shade of green!!!

Next I wanted to share a little something my niece Hannah did. She was here visiting from Pennsylvania a couple of weeks ago. I took her to a local store here where she sort of went her way and I went mine. When we met back up I asked what she was looking for. She reminded me that she has just rented her first apartment, was starting to decorate it, and was looking for ideas. At that point I said, “OH HONEY… you shouldn’t be looking here, you need to go to Goodwill!!!! She kind of gave me that blank stare like, “ARE YOU SERIOUS???” Off we went to Goodwill. I started pointing out things and saying, “you can spray paint this… you can make a pedestal out of this… you can fill this with these” etc. She started looking at things through different eyes. I said, “Do you look at my blog?” “Yes.” I asked if she ever clicked on the blogs that I follow. She said she had not. I said, “You’ve GOT to start going to all the blogs!!!!”

Anyway, Hannah now claims that I have created a monster. She spent many hours while she was here just going to one blog after another - one of the favorites of course being “The Graphics Fairy”! Well, she proudly sent me pictures of her first makeover project. Let’s just say I’m “beaming with pride” over my little protégé. These are our messages and pictures from Facebook:

Hannah:  Check it out, Aunt Debbie1 My first shabby chic project!!!!!!!!

I said:  I am SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!! So how much did the makeover cost you??

Hannah:  I'm gonna make you even prouder....I didn't spend a cent! I had everything on hand.....the spice rack was one my mom had and didn't use anymore....the paint I had...mixed it to get the right color...the wallpaper samples were free....the labels I had...just borrowed the graphics from the graphics fairy and tweaked the colors to fit my scheme! I was so excited!

So here's the original spice rack...
Here it is painted with wallpaper in the background...
The labels on the bottles...
The finished product...

I think she did a great job - don't you???  She’s an art teacher, so I’m sure she will be coming up with many more wonderful projects; however, I wanted to share her first make over with you. Let’s give her a “pat on the back” for a project well done!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Thrifty Finds

Just wanted to share a few FAB-u-lous items that I found today.  I went to several garage sales, but only one had anything worthwhile. These are the things I purchased there.

First was this beautiful soup tureen...  I thought that $5 was a fair price, so I didn't even negotiate.  When the lady started wrapping it up for me I noticed a small chip on the bottom of the platter.  As soon as the seller saw it she was ready to throw that part away.  I said, "OH NO, don't throw it away, I'll still take it!"  She said, "Well how about $3 instead?"  Ok, ok, twist my arm!

Next I picked up a set of glass candle holders.  I might use them as a base for something.  Only $1.

A large glass jar (or whatever you want to call it) caught my eye.  It's really BIG - the picture does not do it justice.  She had it marked for $5 but decided to give it to me for $3 instead.  I think it would be beautiful at Christmas time with ornaments in it.

As we stood there talking I said I was looking at a chair she had sitting there. It was only marked $1, but I wasn't sure if I wanted yet another project to add to my ever-growing pile (I STILL say I'm NOT a horder!!)  She said, "take it... just take it!" 
F-R-E-E!!!!  I can handle that! 

The chair has a small hole in the side, so I'll have to figure out what to do with that, but other than that it's in really good condition.

So for $7 at the garage sale I thought I did quite well. 

I then headed over to one of my favorite Goodwill stores.  I was about ready to leave the store (empty handed), when I spotted these canisters.  PERFECT color for my newly painted kitchen.  They were individually priced, for a total of $12.99, but when I took them to the counter the girl said they should have been priced as a set and gave me all three for $10!

This is the original label that was on one of the canisters.

That was it for today... $17, and some really great finds!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bedroom Bench Makeover

Do you ever drive up to a garage sale and spot something.... even before the car is in park, that you know you have to have?  I want that... I need that... Can I afford that???  There's a lady looking at it... will I have to knock her over to get it??  Slowly, ever so slowly I approach "the bench".  I can't act as though I want it or she might take it.  I casually look down and spot the price... $5!!!  I WANT IT... I NEED IT... WAHOO... I CAN AFFORD IT!!!!  Casually, so as not to alert those around, I removed the price tag, hand it to the seller, and say, "I'll take the bench."  I then take a little stroll around - the whole time singing a little happy song... "it's mine... it's mine... it's alllllll mine!!"  Do I feel bad when that same lady returns to the bench and says, "I thought I saw a tag on there for $5."  To which the seller replied, "yes, there was a tag on it, but another lady just bought it."  Oh my, I feel so bad... NOT!!!  You snooze you loose!!!  Is that bad of me??  Of course I'm not quite so giddy when I'M the one that "snoozes" just a bit too long!!!

Anyhoo... this is the sweet little bench I was lucky enough to get.  I knew that space was limited in my bedroom, so I couldn't have a large bench.  I figured that I would spray paint the base white, and recover it with the same fabric as the chair I had already finished for the bedroom.  It was in SUPER condition.

(I already had the fabric and cording to match this chair, so $5 was the total cost!)

I decided to bring the bench up to the bedroom, just to make sure the size was right, and see what it would look like.  As I stood there looking, I realized that the base of bench looked exactly like my new bedroom furniture... without even painting it!

Here's the headboard and top of the dresser.

Unbelievable!!  I got out my roll of batting, my fabric, cording, scissors, screwdriver, and staple gun and I was ready to go! 

I took the seat off the the bench and didn't even bother removing the fabric - especially since it wasn't even dirty.  I cut a piece of new batting and stapled it to the seat. 

I did the same thing with the fabric.  Once I had completed that portion I used my cording to go around the edge of the bench.  Screwed the seat back onto the base, and taaa daaaa... done!  Within a matter of about 1 hour I had gone from garage sale, to finished bench for the bedroom.  Now that's one SWEET DIY project!!!!  I still want to put a pillow on the bench or something, but for now I think this looks great.

There will be more pictures coming of the entire bedroom makeover, just trying to get everything done before posting.